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Newspaper distributors: what to know about new newsstands

JMomo 26 February 2024 0 comments

Is traditional information over? Actually, there is still plenty of room not only for the production of news, but also for its distribution. Certainly, however, innovations are needed. There are cases where technology can be an ally. For example, in the summer of 2023 in Nola, in the province of Naples, the first hi-tech automatic newsstand debuted. Newsstand vending machines are a practical, accessible and contemporary way to buy newspapers and printed books. Strategically placed in high traffic areas such as railway stations, airports or shopping centres, these vending machines make it possible for anyone to access a wide range of titles without the need to go to bookshops or newsstands. Newsstand vending machines offer different types of reading: they range from newspapers to children’s books to novels for adults, providing a variety of choices for different age groups and preferences.

Automatic newsstands: newspapers available 24 hours a day

One of the main strengths, for operators and customers, of a vending machine for newspapers and other publishing products is the 24-hour availability, thus making the reading of newspapers, magazines and books more flexible, in line with the needs, times and new habits of the modern lifestyle. Consumers-readers, therefore, can go ahead and buy the readings that appeal to them at any time of day or night, without having to wait for bookshops or newsstands to open at dawn. There are still many people who prefer the paper format of information and entertainment sources over the digital one. And many more are in contexts where traditional newsstands cannot be accessed or in areas where those physical businesses have closed and never reopened.

J-MOMO is the start-up that has developed various types of fully automated newsstands, restaurants and markets that can be installed in businesses, offices, residential complexes, indoors and outdoors and anywhere there is an outlet.

J-MOMO creates the entire layout of kiosk vending machines and supplies the various machines with products of well-known and historical brands.

Are you interested in installing a kiosk or vending machine at your business? Do you need assistance?

Contact the J-MOMO team.

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